Commuter Line
During 2019, the average number of KRL users per day reached 979,853 users on weekdays with the highest number of users increasing in one day reaching 1,154,080 users. As an operator, the Commuter Line that operates KCI currently serves 80 stations throughout Jabodetabek, Banten and Cikarang with routes reaching 418.5 km.

Light Rail Transit
A fast rail system with light rail (LRT) planned to be built in Jakarta, Indonesia and connecting Jakarta with its supporting cities such as Bekasi and Bogor. The Provincial Government of DKI who will build an LRT in the city with the name LRT Jakarta and PT Adhi Karya who will build an LRT that connects Jakarta with its supporting city with the Jabodebek LRT name.

High Speed Train
The proposed rail link will be 150km long, with an estimated train speed estimated to be between 200km / h and 250km / h.
Daily passenger flow on the rail link is expected to be 44,000 on average, with this number increasing in later years.
Travel time between the two central hubs will be reduced to 36min from the original 3h-5h.

Mass Rapid Transit
Corridor 1 MRT has been built along a 16 kilometer train line which includes 10 kilometers of elevated lines and six kilometers of underground lines. The seven elevated stations are Lebak Bulus (depot location), Fatmawati, Cipete Raya, Haji Nawi, Blok A, Blok M, and Sisingamangaraja. The depot will be in the Lebak Bulus Station area.

LRT Cikunir 1
We collaborate with the new anticipated architects and well-known designers to create inviting, evocative hones that unite the best of form and function.

LRT Cikunir 2
We partner with state-owned enterprises in most of the projects to ensure the exactness time delivery for investors and resident's best interest.

LRT Jaticempaka
Urban's development is based on direct access to modern mass transportation as our core value. This special engagement ensures us as the only Private Company with transit-oriented development in Indonesia.

LRT Ciliwung
We collaborate with the new anticipated architects and well-known designers to create inviting, evocative hones that unite the best of form and function.

High Speed Train Karawang Station
Urban's development is based on direct access to modern mass transportation as our core value. This special engagement ensures us as the only Private Company with transit-oriented development in Indonesia.
July 23, 2024
JAKARTA. PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk (URBN), perusahaan properti dan real estate, telah mendirikan 2 anak usaha baru untuk menunjang kegiatan usahanya. Jeanny L Wullur, Corporate Secertary URBN, mengatakan […]
July 22, 2024
Direktur Utama PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk (URBN) Bambang Sumargono (tengah) berbincang dengan Direktur Jacqueline Wijaya (kiri) dan Chief of Corporate Finance Joshua Santoso (kanan) usai […]
June 27, 2024
Jakarta – Asthana Kemang melalui manajemen baru Sintesis Kreasi Bersama (SKB) menggandeng PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk melalui anak usahanya Urban Jakarta Komersial untuk mengembangkan Pelataran […]
June 27, 2024
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – PT Urban Jakarta Komersial (UJK) mempersembahkan “Pasren Asthana Kemang”, area komersial terbaru di kawasan Kemang Jakarta Selatan yang berdiri diatas lahan seluas 1.800 […]