About Us
The Company was originally established under the name of PT Samsung Development on May 9, 1995 as stated in the Deed of Establishment made in the presence of Notary Sinta Susikto, S.H. based on Deed No. 62 dated May 9th, 1995 and Decree of the Minister of Justice with Decree No. C2-15301.HT.01.01.TH.95 dated November 24th, 1995. On December 23rd, 2016, PT Samsung Development changed its name to PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo based on Deed No. 32 dated December 23rd, 2016 made in the presence of Notary Silvy Solivan, S.H, M.Kn. and Decree of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with Decree No. AHU-0025502.AH.01.02 in 2016.
The main business activities of the Company are both owned and leased real estate assets which focus on developing residential areas under TOD Concept. In its business activities, the Company develops and/or manages office areas, shopping centres and apartments that are integrated directly with mass transportation.
In addition to the TOD concept, the Company will also develop a one-stop-living concept on each of its project. This concept makes it easier for residents to meet their residential needs and no longer need to commute a long distance to fulfil their household needs or to use sports and entertainment facilities. These two main concepts will be carried out by the Company to distinguish itself from other property developer and provide highly attractive value added to the community.
Our Vision &

To create and develop residential areas as solutions for urban problems and provide a better quality of life.

Corporate Structure

July 23, 2024
JAKARTA. PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk (URBN), perusahaan properti dan real estate, telah mendirikan 2 anak usaha baru untuk menunjang kegiatan usahanya. Jeanny L Wullur, Corporate Secertary URBN, mengatakan […]
July 22, 2024
Direktur Utama PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk (URBN) Bambang Sumargono (tengah) berbincang dengan Direktur Jacqueline Wijaya (kiri) dan Chief of Corporate Finance Joshua Santoso (kanan) usai […]
June 27, 2024
Jakarta – Asthana Kemang melalui manajemen baru Sintesis Kreasi Bersama (SKB) menggandeng PT Urban Jakarta Propertindo Tbk melalui anak usahanya Urban Jakarta Komersial untuk mengembangkan Pelataran […]
June 27, 2024
Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – PT Urban Jakarta Komersial (UJK) mempersembahkan “Pasren Asthana Kemang”, area komersial terbaru di kawasan Kemang Jakarta Selatan yang berdiri diatas lahan seluas 1.800 […]